Felix Böttcher around the world

Retain the good things from tradition and create the new from our own strength.

Felix Böttcher around the world

The Böttcher Group which has its Headquarters at Cologne, Germany is present in more than 42 countries on five continents with a manufacturing plant or a sales office. Global market leader for rollers, sleeves, printing chemicals and printing blankets.
Retain the good things from tradition and create the new from our own strength.
With this ideal, Böttcher has developed for more than 290 years, today still a private company, which has expanded and established itself on the world market. Guarantors of our success are over 2,000 employees, who pursue two goals with equal dedication. First, we want to completely understand the subject with which we are occupied, and secondly, everything we do has to directly contribute to the benefit of our customers.

Böttcher Southeast Europe Group

Since January 2016. the previously called Beta-Roll Group belongs to the Böttcher Group.
Our plant in Hungary: Böttcher Hungária Zrt.
Our plant in Romania: Böttcher Romania SRL
Our plant in Serbia: Böttcher SRB Doo Novi Sad

Viktor Lenner
Managing Director


Nemačka kompanija Böttcher GmbH sa sedištem u Kelnu je u januaru 2016. god. kupila većinski paket akcija grupe Beta-Roll. Böttcher GmbH je osnovan 1725. godine u porodičnom je vlasništvu. Sa više od 2000 zaposlenih, prisutan je u 36 zemalja na 5 kontinenata. Globalni je lider u oblasti gumiranja valjaka, za potrebe korisnika u različitim industrijskim granama. Böttcher GmbH je potvrdio da nakon ostvarenja ove akvizicije, planira dalja ulaganja, i investicije sa ciljem širenja na tržišta Jugoistočne Evrope.

Prethodni godinu i po dana su od ključnog značaja za Betaroll Böttcher grupu. Prepreke u postupku integracije u Böttcher System uspešno su prevaziđene, te je došlo do promene naziva.

Betaroll Böttcher Magyarorszag Zrt, je od 26.07.2017. i zvanično promenila naziv na Böttcher Hungaria Zrt.

Članovi grupe preduzeća sa promenjenim nazivom:

  • Böttcher Hungária Zrt.
  • Böttcher Romania SRL
  • Böttcher SRB Doo Novi Sad

sa proširenim i kvalitetnijim uslugama i dalje stoje na raspolaganju uvaženim partnerima.

Böttcher Hungária Zrt.

HU-8658 Bábonymegyer, Szent István utca 44/A
Tel.: +36 84/527-900
Fax: +36 84/527-901

Böttcher Romania SRL

RO-535600 Odorheiu Secuiesc, str. Budvár nr. 45.
Tel: +40 266 218 125
Fax: +40 266 217 625
E-mail: office.odorheiu@boettcher-systems.com

Böttcher SRB doo Novi Sad

SRB-21000 Novi Sad, Industrijska 3.
Tel.: +381 21/4892-800
Fax: +381 21/4892-805
E-mail: boettcher.srb@boettcher-systems.com

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