Order questionnaire for graphical rollers, order questionnaire for general and industrial rollers
The questionnaire contains a Microsoft Word document. The document can be printed in both filled and unfilled forms. (The grey boxes shall not be printed, and when filling the form only these boxes may be modified.) The filled questionnaire can also be sent via e-mail to the address found on the form.
Instructions for completing the order form
In order to help us ensure the production of high-quality products the following parameters and identification of the rubber covering are necessary to be completed on the order questionnaire for graphical rollers and the order questionnaire for general and industrial rollers:
- Machine type
- Roller type (roller function, e.g.: ink applicator, doctor, dampening roller etc.)
- Parameters of the roller:
- Core diameter (outer diameter of the core)
- Finished diameter (rubberized diameter)
- Covering length (length of the are needed to be rubberized)
- Total length
- Hardness (rubber hardness between 20 and 100 ShA)
- Very important:
- Chemical effect (e.g.: ethyl acetate, alcohol etc.)
- Operating temperature
- Washing agents
In case the repair of the worn bearing places required, or you would like to order the recovering with core production, please mark them in the corresponding boxes accordingly!
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